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常春藤生活英语【147】Naked Science 6 科学新发现

2013-07-27 18:20:16 来源:常春藤英语

Naked Science 6 科学新发现

It is said that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but there are more to these precious gems than their bling quality. Diamonds are four times harder than any other mineral found on Earth. Therefore, they are the hardest material on the planet. They conduct heat and even electricity. They are able to cut through metal and are nearly impossible to destroy. However, diamonds are not as everlasting as most people believe, but what if they could be?

In National Geographic Channel's "Naked Science 6: Super Diamonds," scientists from around the world reveal the secrets of diamonds. They also explain how they are working on creating a super diamond. The super diamond would be stronger than any natural diamond and could be produced in any shape or size. Better yet, a super diamond could even be made to top the Hope Diamond. Valued at 250 million dollars, the Hope Diamond is the world's largest and most perfect natural diamond. In NGC's "Super Diamonds", you will get to see if scientists can really outdo Mother Nature and create a super hard, super valuable, and super sparkling super diamond.


Building Your Vocabulary  

1. precious a. 珍贵的,宝贵的
Ida captured the precious moment on video.
2. everlasting a. 永久的,永恒的
Parents' love for their children is everlasting.
3. top vt. 优于,超过
Our profits have topped $1 billion this year.
4. outdo vt. 胜过,超越;比……更成功(三态为:outdo, outdid, outdone。)
Will outdid all of his classmates in Math.
5. valuable a. 值钱的;有价值的
Time is valuable, so you shouldn't waste it.
6. sparkling a. 发光的,闪亮的
I was blinded by the sparkling snow.
Phrases for Learning  
1. work on + 动名词∕名词  致力于……
The director is working on his new film.
2. be valued at...  价值……
Bob's gold watch is valued at $50,000.


1. gem n. 宝石;宝玉
2. bling a. 金光闪闪的;珠光宝气的(亦常写为 bling bling)
3. mineral n. 矿物
4. conduct vt. 传导(热、电等)
5. Mother Nature n. 大自然 

Tips In Use  

...there are more to these precious gems than their bling quality.
there is more to + 名词∕动名词 + than...某物∕某事不光是只有……
There is more to learning English than memorizing words.
there is more to + 名词∕动名词 + than meets the eye  某物∕某事不光是表面看起来那么单纯
There is more to politics than meets the eye.


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