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Big Bigger Biggest 2 超大建筑狂想曲   The bigger they are, the harder they fall. However, this is no...
Destination: Portugal 前进葡萄牙 Portugal, with its miles of coastline and historic cities, is fast be...
9 Wed Man's best friends are smarter and more like humans than we ever thought. A leading dog res...
捕鲸保卫战 Made famous by "Moby Dick," "There she blows!" is heard all over the se...
Naked Science 6 科学新发现 It is said that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but there are more to th...
How to Plant Seeds 自家园艺乐无穷 Many people think that having a garden means you need lots of space an...
Having Fun with Pumpkins 百变南瓜趣 Pumpkins are a big part of North American culture. As food, they a...
Clothespins 小小衣夹大学问 Sometimes the most ordinary household items have a fascinating history. Cloth...
Four Wheels and a Board 滑板——冲浪者的突发奇想 In the 1950s, surfing had taken off in America....
Amazon Rainforest 地球的守护者——亚马逊雨林 Biodiversity is vital for many reasons, one of which...
常春藤生活英语【151】Big Bigger Biggest
常春藤生活英语【150】Destination: Portug
常春藤生活英语【149】9 Wed
常春藤生活英语【147】Naked Science 6 科学
常春藤生活英语【146】How to Plant Seeds
常春藤生活英语【145】Having Fun with Pum
常春藤生活英语【144】Clothespins 小小衣夹
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