世博英语是一个公益性免费英语学习网站。自1999年成立以来,长期致力于在线英语教学,尽己之力助学进步。 设为首页 - 加入收藏
ugly duckling [俗]丑小鸭;指小时曾被家人视为笨丑而长大后才貌出众的人或先遭鄙视后被重视的事物  Elizabeth was an ugly duckling when sh...
make out like a bandit [俗]大获成功;所向披靡 The team made out like a bandit in national league football...
ice有关的成语 break the ice, to [俗]打开局面;克服最初的困难;使人们融合;打破拘束 He told a joke in order to break the ic...
call someone on the carpet [美俚]训斥某人;谴责某人 You must be very careful to do your work well, or you...
in one’s birthday suit [俗]一丝不挂;裸露 I guess he didn’t know I was in the house. When I walked into...
drive someone up the wall [美俚]把某人逼上绝路 I know Page is under great pressure. So you’d better trea...
goose bumps/flesh [俗]鸡皮疙瘩 I’m afraid of snakes. When I see them I feel cold and can’t help gett...
keep company with somebody [俗]约会;成为确定关系的情侣 Frank is keeping company with Connie now, and they p...
save one’s skin [俚]使安然无恙;毫发无损 When the enemy came to the village, the child was hidden in a bar...
a par for the course [俚]预料中的事情 It was a par for the course that he failed in the final exam. ...
一日一成语【283】ugly duckling 丑小鸭
一日一成语【282】make out like a bandit
一日一成语【280】call someone on the car
一日一成语【279】in one’s birthday suit
一日一成语【278】drive someone up the wa
一日一成语【277】goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩
一日一成语【276】keep company with someb
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