世博英语是一个公益性免费英语学习网站。自1999年成立以来,长期致力于在线英语教学,尽己之力助学进步。 设为首页 - 加入收藏
Four days later Mom: Johnny, I want to thank you. Johnny: What do you mean, Mom? For breaking your b...
Later on Grandma:...and I always fold the sheets army style... Johnny:Uh, huh. Grandma: That...
Later that afternoon Grandma: Johnny, are you just sitting around again? Johnny:I'm just takin...
Three days later Steve:What have you been up to, Johnny? Johnny:You know-sweeping, scrubbing, washin...
Grandma:Johnny, I can't believe you would do that. Johnny: I know, Grandma, I just... Grandma: Y...
Dad and Grandma walk into the kitchen Dad:I think I found my Yankee's mug... Mom: Oh, great. W...
Steve leaves Mom: Can you fix me a cup of tea, Johnny? Johnny:Well...uh...how about a glass of...
Mom walks into the kitchen Mom: Steve, thanks for looking after Johnny. Steve:It was a pleasur...
Later, Johnny and Steve are playing Johnny:Grand Theft Auto Three is awesome! Steve:It's more...
Mom: Well, you know how important a clean house is to your grandma. Johnny:Yes, I hear about it ev...
Eztalk美语【294】dollar store junk 一元商
Eztalk美语【293】upside down 颠倒了,上下
Eztalk美语【292】Disgraceful! 真不象话!
Eztalk美语【291】get back to the grindst
Eztalk美语【290】on housework duty 负责做
Eztalk美语【289】pull a fast one on us 把
Eztalk美语【288】fix me a cup of tea 帮我
Eztalk美语【287】Thanks for your help! 谢
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