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世博谚语学习【65】Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failures.

2010-06-22 21:38:46 来源:世博英语
Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failures.



Distrust - a feeling that you cannot trust someone,不信任,怀疑。Have a distrust of somebody / something,对某人(某事)怀疑。Self-distrust,就是缺乏自信的意思。与之想反的是,self-confidence充满自信。由self-结构组成的词组还有很多,比如: self-dramatizing 自吹自擂的; self-educated 自学的; self-financing 自筹经费; self-glorifying 自命不凡的;等等。

Cause,原因。 the cause of,是导致…的原因。

Failure,是动词fail的名词形式,解释为失败。Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。也可以解释为失败的人;失败的尝试:He is a failure as an artist.他是个失败的艺术家。Fail表示失败或不能;忘记。Don’t fail to ring me up.不要忘记给我打电话。

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