世博英语是一个公益性免费英语学习网站。自1999年成立以来,长期致力于在线英语教学,尽己之力助学进步。 设为首页 - 加入收藏
世博单词日记【100】Power lunch 巨头工作午餐会 2010-06-20 11:17:03
世博单词日记【99】Scratch card 刮刮乐,刮刮卡2010-06-20 11:15:42
世博单词日记【98】netter 网虫2010-06-20 11:14:27
世博单词日记【97】Man and wife 结为夫妻 2010-06-20 11:11:30
世博单词日记【96】Oldspeak 陈词滥调 2010-06-20 11:08:30
世博单词日记【95】fall 秋天 2010-06-20 11:08:01
世博单词日记【94】workaholic 工作狂 2010-06-20 11:07:06
世博单词日记【93】High profile 高姿态2010-06-20 11:03:18
世博习惯用语【50】know the ropes 熟悉内幕;懂得诀窍2010-06-21 20:26:19
世博习惯用语【49】coast-to-coast 由大西洋岸至太平洋2010-06-21 20:24:03
世博习惯用语【48】lie in 睡懒觉 2010-06-21 20:22:51
世博习惯用语【47】A nine days’ wonder 昙花一现的人2010-06-21 20:21:41
世博习惯用语【46】hang in the balance 未见分晓,安2010-06-21 20:20:12
世博习惯用语【45】two-faced 两面派的 2010-06-21 20:17:47
世博习惯用语【44】rob Peter to pay Paul 拆东墙补西2010-06-21 20:16:27
世博习惯用语【43】slip of the tongue 说露了嘴 2010-06-21 20:13:46
世博谚语学习【71】A still tongue makes a wise head2010-06-22 21:45:30
世博谚语学习【70】A drowning man will catch at a s2010-06-22 21:44:51
世博谚语学习【69】A contented mind is a perpetual 2010-06-22 21:44:18
世博谚语学习【68】A burnt child dreads the fire. 一2010-06-22 21:43:42
世博谚语学习【67】A man without distant care must 2010-06-22 21:39:41
世博谚语学习【66】Zeal without knowledge is the si2010-06-22 21:39:13
世博谚语学习【65】Self-distrust is the cause of mo2010-06-22 21:38:46
世博谚语学习【64】The secret of success is constan2010-06-22 21:38:13
世博格言必修【55】Learning is the enterprise of a 2010-06-23 20:30:10
世博格言必修【54】When a man is wrapped up in hims2010-06-23 20:27:15
世博格言必修【53】Advertising may e described as t2010-06-23 20:23:19
世博格言必修【52】Almost any situation-good or bad2010-06-23 20:21:01
世博格言必修【51】The ocean is formed of little st2010-06-23 20:18:34
世博格言必修【50】Conscience is nothing but other 2010-06-23 20:11:06
世博格言必修【49】Anger will get you nowhere.愤怒无2010-06-23 20:09:03
世博格言必修【48】A liar is always lavish of oaths2010-06-23 20:07:47
世博格言必修【55】Learning is the enterp
世博格言必修【54】When a man is wrapped
世博格言必修【53】Advertising may e desc
世博格言必修【52】Almost any situation-g
世博格言必修【51】The ocean is formed of
世博格言必修【50】Conscience is nothing
世博格言必修【49】Anger will get you now
世博格言必修【48】A liar is always lavis
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