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世博谚语学习【64】The secret of success is constancy of purpose.

2010-06-22 21:38:13 来源:世博英语
The secret of success is constancy of purpose.



Secret - something kept hidden or known about by only a few people,秘密;机密。The secret of health 养身秘诀; make no secret of something 对某事毫不掩饰。

Constancy - the quality of staying the same even though other things change,坚定;坚贞;经久不变。Constancy of purpose 目标坚定。

Purpose – the thing that an event, process, or activity is supposed to achieve, or the job that something is supposed to do,意图;目的。What is his purpose in coming? 他来的意图是什么?
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