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世博习惯用语【6】find a needle in the haystack 大海捞针

2010-06-20 17:42:25 来源:世博英语

find a needle in the haystack

Definition: difficult to find or uncover


haystack,干草堆,在干草堆里找针,就是指非常难找到或发现。不难想到汉语中与之对应的成语就是大海捞针了。看来还是中国人民的智慧要更高一筹,大海里捞针比草堆里找针要难多了吧。你有没有在网上找东西找的头也大了的惨痛经历呢?其实,Sometimes trying to find something on the worldwide web is like trying to find a needle in the haystack. 有时候在互联网上找东西就和大海捞针一样难。

Example dialogue

Husband: Honey, why are you sometimes so unkind? Washing my socks is not a difficult labor, is it? 亲爱的,为什么有时候你对我这么不好呢?帮我洗袜子并不是什么重活儿,对吧

Wife: No. But the difficult labor is to find your socks. It’s no less difficult than to find a needle in the haystack. 对。可是要找到你的袜子可是个重活,并不比大海捞针容易。
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世博习惯用语【44】rob Peter to pay Paul
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